What is Send Email By Time Zone?

The Send Email By Time Zone tactic is focused on optimizing your email engagement by taking your recipient's location into account.

This idea was introduced with the realization that the timing of an email can greatly affect how recipients interact with it. Traditional email broadcasts that didn't consider recipient's timezone often meant that some people received messages at inconvenient times.

The invention of tools like Mailchimp's Timewarp and Intercom's advanced timezone feature helped businesses ensure that their emails arrived at just the right moment for each recipient. This tactic is all about delivering emails to your audience when they’re most likely to check their inbox. Since it takes into consideration the recipient's actual location, it addresses the challenge of time difference and maximizes the potential of the email reaching and being read by the recipient.

Understanding that the Send Email By Time Zone tactic falls under the "Traffic" category tells us its end goal. It's a technique intended to draw more visitors to your website or digital platform. Hence, it's good to drive engagement, increase click rates, and ultimately, generate more traffic to your website or product page.

Examples of Send Email By Time Zone

Here are several examples of how the Send Email By Time Zone tactic could be applied:

  1. E-commerce spin: An e-commerce store sends out promotional emails in sync with the recipient’s time zone to make sure the message is seen during their typical shopping hours.

  2. Newsletters for worldwide readership: A blog sends its weekly newsletter using this mailer tactic to ensure the readers from all around the globe receive the update when they're most likely to read it.

  3. Event announcement: A web hosting firm sends time-zone adjusted emails for its global webinar to make sure the users are reminded just a few hours before the event starts, increasing participation rate.

  4. Product Release: A tech company has a new product launch and sends out emails to users around the world at the time they're most likely to be checking their emails.

  5. Subscription notices: A streaming service announcing a series premiere timings, ensures their mail announcing the premiere gets to each user as per their respective time-zones.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Send Email By Time Zone

  • Time-based pop-ups: Similar to the time-zone specific emails, websites use pop-ups which appear at specific times to maximize interaction.
  • Time-dependent ads: These are the online ads that appear at specific times during the day when they're most likely to get impressions and clicks.
  • Time-limited offers: Limited-time offers or flash deals create a sense of urgency and encourage immediate action.
  • Scheduling social media posts: Similar to emails, social media posts can also be scheduled according to the most active times of different geographic locations to maximize interactions and engagement.

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