What is Save For Later PDF?

The Save For Later PDF tactic is a method in which marketers collect emails from users who are too occupied to read their content immediately.

It mainly targets busy individuals, capturing their interest to revisit the information at their own leisure. Essentially, marketers convert articles into easily accessible PDFs and forward them to these users, making it possible for the content to be consumed later.

The inception of this tactic dates back to the age of content marketing expansion, where longer form contents and step-by-step guides became more prevalent. This was a response to the fact that in today's fast-paced society, people often find themselves too busy to read an article straight away. With the aim to generate leads, marketers began using the tactic and placed an email form at the start of an article, thereby making the content accessible for later consumption.

The beauty of the Save For Later PDF is that it perfectly fits the category of Traffic, as it gathers users who were looking for a solution but were unable to spend time in one sitting to read through the whole content. Needless to say, this strategy encourages more traffic to your content as it offers users the convenience and flexibility to read, even at their busiest times.

Examples of Save For Later PDF

  1. Blogs with long, in-depth articles could utilize Save For Later PDF. By placing an email form at the start of the article, users could request the article delivered to their inbox to read later.

  2. An eCommerce platform with comprehensive 'how to' guides can offer these guides in PDF format for users to download and read offline.

  3. A software company could turn complex installation or troubleshooting guides into PDF, allowing the users to have the guide handy when navigating the process.

  4. A digital marketing agency could convert their insightful case studies into PDF format, promoting them for later reading.

  5. A recipe blog could offer the option of a downloadable PDF for intricate recipes, allowing busy users to refer to it in their own time while cooking.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Save For Later PDF

  • Content Upgrades: Creating additional related resources for blog posts, guides or other types of content that users can access in return for their email address.
  • Exit-Intent Popups: These are messages that appear when a user is about to leave the website, often used to offer something in return for an email address, such as a discount, guide, or newsletter subscription.
  • Lead Magnets: These are valuable resources that are offered to visitors in exchange form their email addresses, similar to Save For Later PDF, but with a broader range of content types.
  • Webinar Registrations: Webinars are online events or presentations where users provide their email addresses during registration for later interaction or communication.

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