What is Recycle Old Social Posts Using Edgar?

The practice of recycling old social posts using Edgar is a contemporary marketing approach with its roots set in the rise of digital marketing and social media.

Initially, social media posts were primarily made manually and intermittently, often leading to underutilization of potential reach due to the nature of social media algorithms. As businesses realized that their posts were not reaching their entire fan base, the need for creative solutions arose, and this is where Edgar comes into play.

Essentially, this tactic involves using the Edgar tool to repost old content on your social media platforms. The idea is to maximize the visibility of each post by publishing it multiple times, thus increasing the likelihood that more of your fans will see it. This strategy is particularly beneficial for traffic generation, as frequent posting and consistently staying visible in your audience's feed can attract more users to click through to your website. This ultimately leads to an increase in website traffic, a fundamental aim for most online businesses.

Examples of Recycle Old Social Posts Using Edgar

  1. Health and Wellness Bloggers: To share their wellness tips or workout routines multiple times to ensure more followers see and benefit from the information.
  2. Ecommerce Stores: To re-promote their products or sales to make sure their deals reach a larger audience.
  3. Educational Institutions: To repost details about upcoming events or course offerings to boost awareness and attendance.
  4. Non-Profit Organizations: To share their mission or calls-to-action repeatedly to amplify their message.
  5. Restaurants/Bars: To recycle posts about daily specials or events to ensure the widest possible reach.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Recycle Old Social Posts Using Edgar

  • Content Repurposing: The practice of altering a piece of content to fit a different platform or audience, much like how Edgar repurposes old posts.
  • Scheduling Posts: Planning and automating social media posts for optimal times, similar to the automation feature in Edgar.
  • Social Media Batching: The process of creating and scheduling a "batch" of posts at once, analogous to how Edgar can schedule recycled posts in bulk.
  • Evergreen Posting: An approach to continuously share posts that remain relevant over time, akin to recycling old social posts.
  • Content Recycling: The strategy of reusing the same content in various forms or different platforms, encompassing the principle behind Edgar's recycling technique.

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