What is Re-Send To Unopens?

The strategy of 'Re-Send To Unopens' has roots in traditional mail circulation, where unresponsive receivers were targeted again with revised messages.

This method later evolved and found its application in the digital domain with the surge of email communication. It implies sending the same email content anew to individuals who didn't open the initial email. The key advantage of this is to bolster your email open rates and keep recipients engaged with your communication without feeling overwhelmed by spam.

This tactic fits seamlessly into the 'Retention' category for a simple reason: it's about improving the engagement of existing customers or subscribers. It's not about expanding your reach, but making the most of the contacts you already have. By re-sending the same message but making small shifts like changing the subject line or indicating that it's a re-send, you decrease the chances of being perceived as spam.

Examples of Re-Send To Unopens

  1. A fashion e-commerce site sends out an email about a sale. Customers who did not open the first email receive a subtly altered version a few days later.
  2. A subscription-based language learning application resends a missed lesson notification to a user who did not open the initial email.
  3. A charity organization sends out donation requests through email. Those who did not open the initial email receive a follow-up email with a new subject line.
  4. An online magazine resends a monthly newsletter to subscribers who missed the first dispatch.
  5. A tech company hosting a webinar sends a reminder email to registrants who did not open the sign-up confirmation email.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Re-Send To Unopens

  • Segmentation: Dividing your email list into smaller sections based on certain criteria, for example, geography, in order to send more targeted emails.
  • A/B Testing: An experiment where two or more variants of content are shown to users to determine which leads to the most successful outcome.
  • Email Automation: The process of sending timed or action-triggered emails to subscribers, reducing manual effort and increasing efficiency.
  • Personalization: The strategy of making your emails more relevant and individualized to recipients, possibly improving open rates and engagement.
  • Drip Campaigns: A sequence of emails sent out at specific times and dates to keep subscribers engaged for longer periods.

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