What is Pre-Completed Progress Meter?

A pre-completed progress meter is a digital tool meant to encourage users to complete a process by visually demonstrating the steps they’ve already completed.

The inception of this fundamental principle of user experience (UX) and conversion rate optimization (CRO) dates back to ergonomics and psychological studies. It’s rooted in the understanding that people innately seek completion and are more likely to finish a process they perceive themselves to have already begun.

A key component of a good user interface (UI), pre-completed progress meters undermine the feeling of overwhelm that can accompany a long or complex process. They segment the journey into manageable parts, providing a sense of achievement as they fill up. This, in turn, keeps users engaged and increases the likelihood of conversion.

This tactic can do wonders when your intent is conversion. It's more compelling for a user to finish a process they've started, and a progress meter that reflects their completed tasks provides that encouragement. By showing their progress, you're subtly implying that they're too far along to quit now which increases the chances of them completing the process, leading to conversion.

Examples of Pre-Completed Progress Meter

  1. Online Shopping: During the checkout process, show steps like "basket", "delivery details", and "payment information", that fill up as the customer proceeds.
  2. Subscription Sign-Ups: For subscription signups, a pre-completed progress meter can show steps like "Account Creation", "Personal Preferences", and "Payment Information".
  3. Online Courses: Within online courses, a progress meter can indicate section completions, fostering user experience and encouraging completion of the course.
  4. Software Installation: In software installation, a pre-completed progress meter can visually guide the user through the installation process, featuring steps like "Downloading", "Installation", and "Setup Complete".
  5. Form Completion: In lengthy form completions, such as loan application, survey, or registration forms, a pre-completed progress meter can alleviate the daunting feel and encourage completion.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Pre-Completed Progress Meter

  • Gamification: This involves incorporating game elements into non-game settings. In terms of UI, this might mean awarding badges or points to users as they advance through steps.
  • User Interface (UI) Micro-interactions: These are small feedback systems that communicate status and guide the user's next steps. A pre-completed progress meter is one kind of micro-interaction.
  • Goal-gradient effect: This principle states that the closer people perceive they are to reaching their goal, the more motivated they are to achieve it - much like a progress meter.
  • Breadcrumbs Navigation: This UX design pattern guides users through steps by showing a trail of previous steps taken. It's like a progress meter but more focused on navigation.

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