What is Pinterest Style Blog?

A Pinterest Style Blog takes inspiration from the popular social media platform Pinterest, known for its grid of visually appealing images.

This marketing growth tactic is just about using a blog format similar to Pinterest. The objective is to create a visual-rich blog to capture the audience's attention, especially those industries that rely heaviliy on high-quality custom imagery such as fashion, food, and travel.

This tactic emerged with the burgeoning popularity of Pinterest – a platform that greatly enhanced the consumption of content via captivating images and intuitive organization. Since Pinterest quickly raked up millions of users, marketers twigged onto the appeal of this visually-heavy interface. This birthed the idea of Pinterest Style Blogs. Adopting this image-focused approach can significantly influence conversion rates, as eye-catching imagery is known to keep visitors engaged, enriching the user experience and nudging them towards desired actions.

Examples of Pinterest Style Blog

  1. A food blog that curates recipes from various sources and displays them in an image grid fashion. Users can click on the image that catches their eye, leading them to the recipe.
  2. A fashion blog could adopt a Pinterest-style design, showcasing trendy outfits in a visually appealing manner. Clicking on any outfit gives detailed information on it and link to buy that outfit or something similar.
  3. A travel blog might display a collage of exotic locations. When readers are intrigued by a picture and click on it, they'll be directed to a detailed travelogue about that destination.
  4. A real estate blog could use the Pinterest-style format to display multiple property images on their blog. Each image, when clicked, can lead to detailed property information.
  5. An e-commerce website can use this blog style for their items. Clicking on the product image would redirect the users to the product purchasing page.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Pinterest Style Blog

  • Instagrammable Spaces: Creating websites or physical spaces that are so aesthetically pleasing that people want to share pictures of them on Instagram. This brings more awareness to your brand.
  • Infographics: Another form of visual content, infographics can convey complex information quickly, appealingly, and digestibly, drawing more traffic to your website.
  • Carousel Ads: An ad format that combines multiple images or videos, similar to an image grid, but with added multimedia.
  • Photographs in Email Marketing: Emails that have high-quality images increase the chances of click-through rates, making the email campaign successful.
  • Video Marketing: Just like appealing images, interesting videos also engage users effectively, leading to better conversions.

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