What is Page Layout?

"Page Layout" is the term used to describe how the contents of a web page are arranged.

While it might not seem that the configuration of text, pictures, products, and other elements should matter, the way these aspects are laid out can actually heavily influence how people interact with the site.

The history of page layout can be traced back to the print era, where newspapers, magazines, and various publications paid meticulous attention to how their pages were structured. With the advent of the internet, these principles were migrated to web design. Over time, as the online environment grew and evolved, the emphasis on page layout became more prominent as businesses realized how effective a good layout could be in attracting and retaining website visitors.

Using a "Page Layout" tactic, you can alter your site's design and observe how it affects your conversion rate – the percentage of visitors who take desired action, such as buying a product, signing up for a newsletter, etc. Modifying your page layout and checking its effects using A/B testing tools like Optimizely can help you find the most efficient design for your site, in order to increase conversions.

Examples of Page Layout

  1. Ecommerce Store: If an online clothing shop finds its customers are abandoning their cart without making a purchase, changing the layout of product images and descriptions on the product page might reduce this.

  2. Newsletter Signup: An online blogger could try different page layouts for their signup page to increase newsletter subscriptions. They might alter the size or position of the signup form or change the placement of the related blog excerpts.

  3. Saas Trial Signup: A SaaS platform could reposition their free trial sign-up call to action. They might place it more prominently on the homepage to see if more users take action.

  4. Food Delivery App: A food delivery app might modify their check-out process layout to make it more straightforward, thereby encouraging users to complete their order.

  5. Educational Site: An educational platform might rearrange the introductory course materials on their landing page to encourage more sign-ups for their free trial course.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Page Layout

  • A/B Testing: This involves changing one variable on a website to see which version generates more conversions.
  • User Experience (UX) Design: This is the process of creating products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users which can include the design, functions, and overall structure of a website.
  • Heat Map Analysis: Analyzing where and how users interact with a website to influence design changes.
  • Web Design: The layout of a page is just one aspect of overall web design, which includes color schemes, font selection, and more.
  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): This focuses on increasing the percentage of users who perform the desired action on a website, such as clicking on an ad, filling out a form, or making a purchase. Page layout alterations are one tactic within CRO.

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