What is Natural Language?

"Natural Language" as a marketing strategy refers to the idea of using language that is informal, conversational, and relatable rather than strictly business and formal.

This approach makes a brand or company seem more human and approachable, ultimately helping to forge a stronger bond with consumers. Historically, the rise of natural language in marketing is closely tied to the rise of social media. As brands started having more direct, personal interactions with customers, the need for natural, conversation-stimulating language became increasingly important.

The effectiveness of the Natural Language technique for retention is because it fosters a stronger connection between the consumer and the brand. By using words, phrases, and a general tone that resemble a casual conversation instead of a corporate monologue, businesses humanize themselves, making the consumer feel more valued. This personalized approach helps in making the customer feel special and taken care of, which in turn encourages their loyalty and long-term relationship with the brand.

Examples of Natural Language

  1. Sign-up forms: Instead of rigidly asking for "Name:", "Email:" etc., brands could ask in a more conversational way such as "What's your name, friend?" followed by "Mind sharing your email for awesome updates?"

  2. Customer service chatbots: Brands can program their bots to respond in more natural language. For example, instead of saying "Inquiry received," the bot can respond with "Got it! We're looking into this for you."

  3. Email marketing: Emails from companies can start with a warm, conversational greeting like "Hey there, [Customer’s Name]! We’ve rolled out this awesome new product that we believe you might just love."

  4. Web Content: Instead of a generic "Welcome to our website," companies can use a more familiar tone like, "Hey there, welcome to our little corner of the internet. We're glad you're here."

  5. Product Descriptions: Companies can describe their goods or services in a more relatable and informal style. For instance, instead of "This shirt is made from 100% organic cotton", a brand might say "Imagine wearing the softest, most Earth-friendly shirt you've ever owned. That's what this 100% organic cotton tee is all about."

Marketing Tactics Similar to Natural Language

  1. Storytelling: This approach leverages narratives to communicate a message about a product or brand in a way that resonates with consumers.

  2. Emotional Marketing: This focuses on creating an emotional connection with customers by tapping into their feelings, needs and desires.

  3. Content Marketing: A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience.

  4. User-Generated Content: This involves encouraging and leveraging content created by consumers about a brand or product, fostering an authentic and engaging brand community.

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