What is Longer Videos?

Longer Videos as a marketing growth tactic manifests from the fact that a video's duration plays a crucial role in its searchability and visibility.

Particularly in platforms like YouTube, which is controlled by the search engine giant Google, increased video length acts as a positive signal for rankings.

The turn towards Longer Videos gained momentum with changes in Google's algorithms, which began to favor engagement metrics like duration, and incentivized the creators to generate more extended, high-quality content. This tactic simultaneously focuses on engagement and viewer retention, making it an effective tool for driving traffic.

Why Longer Videos is an effective growth tactic

In the context of the digital marketing world, 'Traffic' is the influx of users or visitors to a website or page. The main goal here is to bring as many eyeballs as possible to your content. Longer videos, when done right, encourage viewers to stay and engage with your content for more extended periods, a factor that is highly regarded by the Google and YouTube algorithms. Therefore, extending your video's duration is a practical move to not only improve your rankings and visibility but also generate a consistent flow of traffic.

Examples of Longer Videos

  1. Educational Digital platforms: Platforms like Khan Academy, Coursera and Udemy often use extended video formats to deliver comprehensive lessons and lectures to their users.
  2. Webinars: Webinars usually last from 30 minutes to an hour, delivering insightful conversations, discussions, and learnings on a topical issue.
  3. Documentaries on YouTube: Filmmakers and creators often upload hour-long, in-depth documentaries on YouTube to engage viewers and attract backlinks or social shares.
  4. Product Reviews and Unboxing Videos: Increased duration provides enough space for the commentators to delve into the specifications, performance, and overall assessment of the products.
  5. Cooking shows: These videos fully demonstrate the process of making a dish, from preparation to plating and serving.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Longer Videos

  • In-depth Content: Creating dense and comprehensive written content is another tactic of engaging users for longer and influencing search engine rankings.
  • Podcasts: Just like extended videos, long-form audio content also aids in attracting a loyal listenership and driving consistent traffic.
  • ERE or Engagement Rate Optimization: This involves enhancing various site factors and content to maximally engage users, closely related to Longer Videos.
  • Live Streaming: Real-time, long-duration broadcasting of content, often interactive, aimed at enticing audiences and driving user participation.

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