What is Lazy Password Creation?

Lazy Password Creation is a relatively recent tactic in the field of digital marketing, designed in response to the ever-rising need for user convenience and streamlined onboarding processes.

It saw its launch around the time when online platforms began to realize the importance of frictionless user registration.

The philosophy behind Lazy Password Creation is simple: ask users for password creation only after they've shared their email and other necessary details. This way, you remove any early registration friction linked to creating a password. Once users are already engaged within your platform, a prompt or model is displayed requesting the creation of a password.

As a conversion tactic, Lazy Password Creation works by making the initial interaction smooth. The goal here is to avoid potentially upsetting users with the sometimes tedious task of setting a robust password before they've even experienced your product or service.

Examples of Lazy Password Creation

  1. An e-commerce website lets users browse products, add to cart, and almost checkout before asking them to set up a password. This allows them quicker access while also making them feel committed as they have already selected products and filled out their delivery details.

  2. A streaming service allows users to choose preferred genres and browse content before prompting them to create a password, enticing them with the available content before the minor inconvenience of setting a password.

  3. A gaming platform lets users pick a username, character and start playing before popping up a model asking them to set a password, drawing them in with the excitement of the game before the mundane task of password creation.

  4. A fitness app lets users set up goals, preferences, and browse through workout plans before requesting the creation of a password, thereby creating a personalized commitment before password registration.

  5. A free sample request form collects a visitor's name and shipping info, and only after the person hits 'submit' does a password prompt appear. There's a perceived investment already made, making it more likely they will complete the password step.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Lazy Password Creation

  • Progressive Disclosure: This is a technique where information is presented piece-by-piece, revealed only as necessary. It's about keeping the user experience simple and avoiding cognitive overload.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO): An identification system that lets users log in to many systems using one set of credentials, reducing registration or sign-in friction.
  • Guest Checkout: This tactic allows users to make purchases from an online retailer without setting up an account, thus reducing purchase barriers.
  • Email Verification Later: A method where email verification is postponed until the user starts interacting with the product more, reducing the number of steps to start using a platform.

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