What is Email To App Deep Linking?

Email to App Deep Linking is basically a method that allows users to be taken from an email directly to a certain component of a mobile app instead of a mobile website.

This tactic has seen a spike in popularity as mobile applications began to rule the digital sphere. In the early days of digital communication, links in emails usually led to web-version sites. But with the advent of smartphones and apps, there was a clear shift to a more mobile-first approach.

The rationale behind Email To App Deep Linking is that it provides a superior digital experience for the user. Apps often offer features that mobile websites cannot and they're also typically quicker and easier to maneuver. Moreover, this technique can significantly enhance conversion rates. It gives users free access to the complete functionality of a dedicated mobile app as opposed to the restricted offerings of a responsive mobile site, which essentially encourages the users to stay longer and engage more with the content.

Examples of Email To App Deep Linking

  1. E-commerce companies: Once the user clicks an advertisement of a specific product they've shown interest in, instead of being redirected to the mobile web page, they get directed to the product's page within the mobile app, provided it's installed.

  2. Newsletters and subscriptions: For music or video streaming apps, links embedded in the promotional emails can navigate the users directly to the special offer, song, or movie inside the app.

  3. Food Delivery apps: The restaurants using applications to manage deliveries could use this to direct users to menus, daily deals, or special promotions inside the app directly from an email.

  4. Fitness Apps: Weight loss or workout apps can send emails with exercise videos or diet plans that directly open up in the app on click.

  5. Banking Apps: Banks could use this method to direct users straight to new services or features within their application.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Email To App Deep Linking

  • App Retargeting: Requires engaging inactive users by sending them personalized messages about relevant features or content in the app.
  • Push Notifications: Informs users about new updates, promotions, or content available inside the app.
  • Mobile App Install Ads: Ads meant specifically to encourage users to download or install a mobile application.
  • In-App Messaging: Messages that are delivered to users while they are active within the application that encourages more interaction or conversion.

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