What is Eccentric Subject Line?

Eccentric Subject Line is a marketing term used to describe the tactic of creating an atypical and interesting subject line that provokes curiosity and compels people to open an email.

The history of this term is as old as email marketing itself. It was discovered that a bland or generic subject line often went ignored, lost in a cluttered mailbox. However, when email subject lines became more eccentric or unusual, they captured attention, standing out from the crowd and leading to higher open rates.

For the goal of conversion, which is transforming a potential customer into an actual one, an Eccentric Subject Line becomes an essential tactic. It serves as the first interaction or impression one creates of their content. It’s all about making your line so interesting that people can't resist wanting to open your email or message. In other words, the more intriguing your subject line, the higher is the probability of readers getting inside to explore more, ultimately increasing the odds of conversion.

Examples of Eccentric Subject Line

  • "Gravity is Overrated: How to Scale Your Business Skyward": This eccentric subject line, targeted at entrepreneurs, creates a sense of curiosity around scaling a business.
  • "Unleash the Couch Potato: Revolutionary Fitness Tech": Directed towards those interested in fitness, this subject line uses a playful tone promising a revolutionary solution.
  • "You Won't Believe What We Found in Mars Soil!": For space enthusiasts, this subject line creates an aura of mystery and unexpected discovery.
  • "Last Night, Your Dream Car Got Cheaper!": For those looking to buy a car, this subject line announces surprising news that can't be ignored.
  • "Ever Wondered What a Robot's Diary Looks Like?": Aimed at tech-savvy individuals, this subject line prompts curiosity about AI advancements.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Eccentric Subject Line

  • Personalized Email: It uses the recipient's name or other personal information in the subject line or the email to make the interaction more personal and engaging.
  • FOMO Effect: This tactic involves creating a Fear of Missing Out effect by indicating that a deal or opportunity is time-limited or exclusive, compelling users to take quick action.
  • Intrigue and Mystery: Similar to eccentric subject lines, this tactic uses intriguing or mysterious language in advertisements or other marketing material to pique the audience's attention.
  • Question-Based Subject Lines: This tactic uses a compelling question as the subject line to entice readers to open the email for finding out the answer.

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