What is Deep Linked Install Ads On Facebook?

Deep Linked Install Ads on Facebook are a relatively recent innovation in the digital marketing landscape.

They have been around since Facebook opened up its mobile app install ad units for all advertisers back in 2012. This strategy uses a method known as "deep linking" which is designed to streamline the customer journey from seeing an ad to becoming an engaged app user.

Essentially, through Deep Linked Install Ads on Facebook, marketers guide users directly to their app in the app store when an advertisement is clicked on Facebook. Once the user downloads the app, they are then deep linked to their initial area of interest or "point of inspiration". A point of inspiration could be something as specific as a hotel deal in a travel app that sparked their engagement. The goal of this tactic is to expedite the user's path to the point of activation, hence increasing the efficiency of the traffic-intentioned strategy.

Examples of Deep Linked Install Ads On Facebook

  1. Travel Apps: A Travel App could showcase an exclusive deal on a specific hotel in its Facebook ad. Users who click on the ad are directed to the App Store or Google Play to download the app, post which they are deep linked to the page that features that specific hotel deal.

  2. E-commerce Apps: An e-commerce app could post an advertisement featuring a limited-edition clothing item. Customers who click on the ad download the app and are then seamlessly taken to the page where they can purchase the advertised item.

  3. Food Delivery Apps: A food delivery app can use this tactic to advertise a special discount at a particular restaurant. Users who download the app by clicking on the ad are directly taken to the restaurant's menu page within the app.

  4. Fitness Apps: A fitness app can promote a new workout routine. The Facebook user who is intrigued by the ad, downloads the app, and is led straight to the specific workout described in the advertisement.

  5. Educational Apps: An educational app can advertise a free trial for a specific course. When a user who clicks the ad downloads the app, they are directly taken to the course in question.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Deep Linked Install Ads On Facebook

  • Deep-linked Email Marketing: This approach involves sending emails which directly lead recipients to a particular page on an app or website, enhancing the user experience.

  • Universal Links: These are standard web links that can open both a specific webpage and an app, delivering a seamless user experience across platforms.

  • App Indexing: This technique enables in-app content to show up in search engine results, leading users directly to the relevant section of the app.

  • Deferred Deep Linking: This involves directing a user to a specific location in an app after they first download it, irrespective of where they originally came from.

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