What is Deep Linked Content Sharing?

Deep linked content sharing, as a marketing growth strategy, involves sending email or SMS messages that include links directing users straight to a specific piece of content in an app.

Born out of the rapid growth of mobile applications in the early 21st century, linking directly to content within apps became a powerful way to engage and retain users.

The practice took root with the intention of improving user experience by bypassing numerous navigation steps and offering a more streamlined process. In terms of traffic generation, Deep Linked Content Sharing is highly effective because it establishes a direct pathway for user interaction, promoting higher engagement and driving more traffic to specific app pages. Another advantage of this marketing technique is the ability to relay data through the installation process for new users, guiding them to the intended page after a share.

Examples of Deep Linked Content Sharing

  1. A food delivery app sends a message to its customers featuring a link that, once clicked, leads directly to a newly added restaurant's menu within the app.
  2. An e-learning platform shares a link through an email newsletter, which leads subscribed users straight to a newly uploaded course on their mobile app.
  3. A retail app allows users to share product pages with their friends. When a friend taps the link, they are taken directly to that product page within the app, even if they have to install the app first.
  4. A fitness app sends SMS to its user with a link that opens a specific workout plan in the app.
  5. A streaming app enables users to share their favorite show links, that brings friends directly to the episode inside the app.

Marketing Tactics Similar to Deep Linked Content Sharing

  • Retargeting: A marketing technique designed to attract users that have previously interacted with your website or app, with relevant ads or content shared on different platforms.
  • Content SEO: The process of optimizing content through the use of keywords and link building, making it easily discoverable by search engines.
  • Social Media Sharing: Encourages users to share content from a website or app on their personal social media accounts, creating organic traffic and potential new users.
  • Email Marketing: Uses targeted email messages with attractive content and links to direct users to a desired location such as a specific page within a website or app.
  • Influencer Marketing: Brands collaborate with online influencers to promote their products/services. The influencer often shares a link, which could be a deep-linked content to take their followers directly to the brand's app or website.

Link to this page

If you share this content in your blog post or email newsletter, you can use the tool below to quickly copy and paste the link.