What is CTA Button?

In digital marketing, the term Call-To-Action, commonly abbreviated as CTA, has been a critical element for success since the birth of online marketing.

The concept is derived from traditional marketing and advertising methods which involve inspiring readers or viewers to take a particular action. In online terms, a CTA button is a clickable area designed to drive an immediate response from your visitor.

Adding a '>' symbol at the end of a CTA button copy is now becoming an efficient method of nudging visitors into desired actions. This tiny addition gives an impression that clicking the button will initiate a next step, psychologically prompting users into action. It's simple: you transform your standard "Sign Up" CTA button copy to "Sign Up >." It's advantageous to test both versions to know which attracts more click-throughs.

This marketing tactic caters well to the intention of "Conversion." Attracting visitors to your website is only the primary step, getting them to take desired action like signing up, purchasing, or downloading is the actual conversion. The CTA button plays a crucial role in this process, and adding '>' intuitively encourages users, thus increasing conversions.

Examples of CTA Button

  1. An online fashion store may modify their 'Add to Cart' button to "Add to Cart >", eliciting customers to proceed with the purchase.
  2. A tech company offering free software trials might change their 'Try Now' button to "Try Now >," hinting users to start their trial.
  3. A newsletter subscription on a blog might be tweaked from 'Subscribe Now' to "Subscribe Now >," pushing visitors to subscribe.
  4. A tourism company may change their 'Book Now' button to "Book Now >", guiding users to finalize their bookings.
  5. An e-learning platform might adjust their 'Enroll Now' button to "Enroll Now >," prompting learners to enroll for their desired courses.

A/B Testing: This is a method of comparing two versions of a webpage or app to determine which performs better. It's commonly used to test variations of web pages to see which garners a better response.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): This is the systematic process of increasing the percentage of website visitors who complete the desired action. CRO can be applied to any element that can impact a visitor's behaviour, such as CTA buttons.

User Experience (UX): This involves creating an easy, efficient, and all-around pleasant experience for the user. Improving UX often involves enhancing the effectiveness of elements like CTA buttons.

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