What is BuzzFeed Community Feature?

The BuzzFeed Community Feature is a powerful marketing tactic that leverages the massive visitor traffic of BuzzFeed's platform, which tallies more than 150 million visitors every month.

With such a high level of activity, landing featured content on BuzzFeed's community platform can unlock incredibly high engagement rates for your campaigns.

The term, which is based on a feature of BuzzFeed's site, started as an avenue for BuzzFeed's audience to become content creators. As the name suggests, it fostered community engagement by providing a platform for user-generated content. This aspect of the site soon turned out to be a fertile ground for marketers aiming to gain attention for their brands, products, or services. In a strategic move for traffic growth, marketers started submitting high-quality content to be featured in this section, realizing it increases the probability of attaining substantial reach and engagement.

Examples of BuzzFeed Community Feature

  1. A travel agency might prepare an engaging listicle titled "Top 10 Underrated Travel Destinations for 2022", getting it featured on BuzzFeed's community platform to drive traffic to its website.

  2. A skincare brand could post an insightful article on "10 Skin Care Myths Debunked", positioning themselves as an authority in their industry.

  3. A tech startup launches a gadget and submits a catchy, informative post, such as "Why Our Smart Watch is a Game Changer" to generate awareness and potential traffic.

  4. A publishing house might get community traction on BuzzFeed through a fun quiz like "Which Literary Character Are You?" to ignite interest in its latest books.

  5. An e-commerce site running a fitness sale might submit a post titled "Why These 10 Fitness Products are Essential for Your Home Gym", providing value and encouraging site visits.

Marketing Tactics Similar to BuzzFeed Community Feature

  • Guest Blogging: This is when you write a blog post for another company’s website. It's a way to introduce your content to a new audience.

  • Reddit AMAs (Ask Me Anything): These are Q&A sessions held on Reddit. They can drive attention and traffic to your website or product.

  • Quora Marketing: Posting thoughtful answers on Quora can help drive traffic and establish industry authority.

  • Influencer Marketing: This involves partnering with social media influencers to promote your business to their audience.

  • Content Syndication: This is the process of republishing your content on other sites, which can increase your online visibility and traffic.

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